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LegitPay is a payment solution for all types of businesses!

Legit Pay

13 Фев 2024
LegitPay is a payment solution for all types of businesses!

We offer you:

- Fast P2P solution - processing incoming transactions in about 5 seconds. Our P2P solutions could be used for primary and secondary cascades. You can use our methods as a common way of accepting payment for your project or as a supporting way for deepening your cascade.
- One of the lowest percentage of disputes on the market.
- More than 10 GEOs. In all GEOs we use all available banks and have our teams.

Our account details are always clear, and we promptly change them in case of preventing any errors in transactions.

We also offer you mass payments on accounts all over our GEOs, providing comfortable deposit and withdrawal. Processing of incoming invoices lasts from 15 minutes.

Disputes could be opened by client in the payment form, or in the account of a merchant, or in the Telegram chat - it is your choice.

We are considering commissions from 6%, then by agreement.

Discussion of cooperation in Telegram @legitpayceo
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